今からでも入れる「ICU Time Travelers」
学生主催イベント「Rethink ICU」開催に際して、Weekly GIANTS Co.は紙版「Rethink ICU特別号」を刊行した。ここでは、特別号に寄せていただいたサークル・部活紹介文を再掲載する。タイトルにあるように、今回掲載するのは新入生のみならず、コロナ禍で機会を逃したID25以上の在学生が「今からでも入れる」団体だ。多くのICU生にとって、新たな繋がりのきっかけとなることを願う。
ICU Time Travelers
新入生の皆様、はじめまして。在学生の皆様、こんにちは。「過去の歴史から未来の社会を考える学生団体」、ICU Time Travelersです!私たちは、ミドルベリー大学(アメリカ、バーモント州)、ミドルベリー国際大学院モントレー校(アメリカ、カリフォルニア州)の方々、そしてアメリカに拠点を持つ団体や博物館の方々と共に、日系アメリカ人強制収容の歴史について探索しています。具体的には、①強制収容に関する一次資料の翻訳と提供(英語⇔日本語)、②団体内での勉強会、③対外への情報発信(SNSやウェブサイトの運用) を行っています。
現在私たちは、第二次世界大戦中に服役していた日系アメリカ人の退役軍人の方々の語りを記録している「Go For Broke National Education Center」から提供された映像資料を、翻訳しています。翻訳は、ミドルベリー大学、ミドルベリー国際大学院モントレー校の学生や教授らと協力して行っています。アメリカの学生たちと日常的にやりとりをすることができるのも、私たちの活動の魅力の一つです!また、私たちの翻訳物は、映像の字幕や、展示物のパネルに掲示される予定なので、完成に向けて日々頑張っています。
Thank you for your interest! We are “ICU Time Travelers,” and our motto is “Learn from the Past, Think for the Future.” ICU Time Travelers is a student organization exploring the history of Japanese American internment during World War Ⅱ. We collaborate with students and professors in Middlebury College (US, Vermont) and Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (US, California.) We also work with faculty members of organizations and museums based in the US. Our activity could be divided into 3 parts; 1. Translation of the primary sources of the Japanese American internment, 2. Holding study meetings, 3. Spreading our works and insights to others.
1. Translation of the Primary Sources
We are currently translating videos offered by “Go For Broke National Education Center,” an organization recording oral stories of Japanese American veterans who served during WW2. Students and professors at Middlebury College and Middlebury Institute of International Studies also join our translation process. We interact with them daily to check if our translation is accurate and comprehensible. Since our translations are planned to be on the videos’ subtitles and on the exhibits’ panels, we are working hard to its completion.
2. Study Meetings
We watch short videos related to Japanese American internment at every annual meeting. By discussing the video and having additional research, we learn more about its complex history. You don’t have to worry if you don’t know much about it! We can all study together. There is also a study tour planned this summer to stay in California (US) for two weeks and visit internment camps and museums with the Middlebury students!
3. Spreading our works and insights to others
We introduce the history of Japanese American internment and our activity through social media such as Instagram and Twitter. We are also creating a website with the Middlebury students to post our translation projects. Please join us if you are talented in running social media and creating websites.
Since ICU Time Travelers is a newly founded organization in April 2021, we constantly recruit new members. Anyone in any grade, any university, is welcomed. Feel free to contact us via Email, Instagram, and Twitter. Let’s think about what we can do for a better future!
Room: Online (ZOOM)
Meeting: Once in a week or in two weeks, dates will be decided by all members through schedule adjustment.
Email: icu.timetravelers@gmail.com
Instagram: icu_time_travelers
Twitter: @ITT_ICU