
 5月10日、ICUの学生間に、10万円の給付金が100人に支給されるという情報が流れた。「Good Samaritan Fund for ICU」と題されたその企画は、匿名のICUの卒業生数人が立ち上げたものだ。企画内容は、生活に困窮している学生に迅速な支援を行うべく、10万円を100人支給するというものだ。




 情報の均一性が保たれるICU Portalではなく、必ずしも全員に情報が行きわたるとは限らないSNSで拡散されていることに疑問を持つ現役生は多かった。その背景には、大学とは無関係なプロジェクトであるから、Portalに載せることはできないという事情があった。

 5月13日には、ICU Portalに加藤恵津子学生部長名で、以下の内容が掲載された。

 「なお、現在SNSや口コミ等でICU生の間に広まっている “Good Samaritan Fund for ICU” と称するプロジェクトについて、大学の見解をお知らせいたします。これは匿名を希望されるICU卒業生のお一人が、新型コロナウィルスの影響で経済的に困窮する在学生のサポートを目的として、私的に立ち上げたプロジェクトです。その方が竹内理事長とお知り合いであることから、一連の情報に理事長のお名前も登場しています。これはあくまでも個人の善意によるプロジェクトであり、大学の公式な経済支援制度ではありません。お問い合わせについては、いずれの部署も対応していませんので、ご了承ください。在学生の皆さんのご理解をお願いいたします。」(ICU Portalより引用)


「正確な情報が学生に渡った方がいいということで、ICU Portalで加藤学生部長からアナウンスをしていただいきました。」(竹内氏)












 企画名に採用されている「善きサマリア人」とは、新約聖書 ルカによる福音書 10章25節から37節にかけて、イエスが「本当の隣人とは誰か」を説明する際に出した例え話だ。追いはぎに遭い、道ばたで倒れている旅人を見かけた3人のうち、サマリア人のみがその旅人を助けたというものである。今回の奨学金を受け取れる学生は100人に限定されている。ICUの学生の総数は約3000人であることを考慮すると、決して大きな数字ではない。この危機を全員で乗り切るために、ICUの学生一人ひとりが善きサマリア人となり、身の回りの困っている人に救いの手を差し伸べることを願う。応募開始日時は、5月15日の午後9時からだ。


Good Samaritan Fund for ICU

An Emergency Act (of Goodness) for ICU Students from a Donor
To All ICU Students,

As a Christian and as an alumnus of ICU, I have decided to follow the biblical tradition of the Good Samaritan to assist those of you who are currently suffering financially from COVID-19. I am starting the Good Samaritan Fund, which will give ¥100,000 on a first-come, first-served basis to 100 of you in dire need. No questions asked. No need to return. No need to report how you spend this blessing from heaven. Just raise your hand (to God) via this website, and we will take care of the rest.

With empathy,


About the Good Samaritan Fund for ICU (goodsam4ICU)
This emergency fund was created to provide immediate financial support to current ICU students whose livelihood is being endangered due to the impact of the New Corona Virus infection. This type of fund would typically require a strict screening process to make sure that you are actually in financial need to receive the fund. However, doing so would inevitably delay the payment process for those who are in desperate need right now. So, we are eliminating the need to “prove” that you are in acute need, and the fund will be delivered with no strings attached on a first-come, first-served basis. We will also not conduct an ex-post check on how you spent the fund. All you have to do is to sign up when the online form will be uploaded on this website in a few days (see the How to Apply section below for details).

With no strings attached, there is a possibility that someone not in “immediate” and “acute” need may apply. The initial plan, therefore, was to have the recipient agree to having his/her name disclosed on our website. After much thought, we decided to eliminate this requirement since the students who really need the fund may hesitate to apply as a result of such a stipulation. We ask ICU students to cooperate with us in making sure that only those who are in desperate need receive the goodwill the donor had in mind. In other words, please think twice before applying.

We will send the recipient ¥100,000 via bank transfer. Payment will be made as soon as possible, hopefully within two or three weeks after application (for those who choose a foreign bank, the transfer may take longer). There is an unconfirmed plan that the university is also thinking of providing some sort of support for ICU students in need which will be executed sometime this fall. Those receiving the Good Samaritan Fund for ICU will be able to receive funding from other sources, including the unconfirmed support by ICU this fall.

The name of this emergency fund comes from the biblical parable of the Good Samaritan. As you may know, ICU was established by generous contributions from many individuals right after the end of WWII. The first contribution came from Sunday church-goers in the U.S.A., who donated small amounts on an individual basis. We want to continue this tradition of generosity at this time of crisis.

For your information, this project is based on a private fund, and is completely independent of International Christian University.

How to Apply
The application will start at 9:00 pm (Japan time) on Friday, May 15 on this website. The sign-up form that will be uploaded on this website (after 9:00 pm) will provide details on how to receive the Good Samaritan Fund for ICU.

You must be a current ICU student to apply (please use your ICU email address to complete your application). We will also ask you to provide your bank account information. The personal information you provide will be managed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act. It will not be made public nor be used for any purpose other than sending the money to you from the Good Samaritan Fund for ICU. As mentioned above, if you choose to use a foreign bank account, instead of a Japanese bank account, please note that you may face delays (and other complications).

Since the number of students we can support is limited, application will close as soon as the fund is exhausted. This website will close once we confirm that all receipts are accounted for. If you have any questions, please send them to the email address that you will receive when you apply.

Lastly, for those who may be wondering who “we” are, we are ICU alumni working as volunteers on behalf of the anonymous donor.

Good Samaritan Fund for ICU Project volunteer: Hirotaka Takeuchi (the 13th graduating class of ICU)and other staff members

Good Samaritan Fund for ICUに応募される学生の皆様へ、応募する前にお読みください






Good Samaritan Fund for ICUプロジェクト・ボランティア:竹内弘高(国際基督教大学13期)他スタッフ一同